RE: Overengineered packages?

ℹ️ This is a reply to Johan Ronsse’s post “Overengineered Packages?”. Be sure to read it first. After having posted about the class-names package, Johan turned to Twitter to state that the package overengineered. In a follow-up blogpost he argues that: At the moment I feel like it’s only invented because of a deeper problem: …

Getting correctly signed SSL Certificates for cPanel/WHM Services

Back in the day I set up a few VPSes with WHM/cPanel on to host some sites. As back then the certificates for the cPanel services (FTPD, SMTP, WHM, …) were self-signed and Let’s Encrypt was still in its early days, I also ordered a wildcard certificate for * along with that and configured WHM …

React-Native “Could not find iPhone X simulator”

One of my React Native projects recently decided to no longer launch any of the iPhone Simulator devices anymore. When running react-native run-ios I was greeted with an error stating that the simulator could not be found. bramus in ~/repos/projects/react-native-maps-directions-example on master* $ react-native run-ios –simulator="iPhone X" Found Xcode project RNMapsExample.xcodeproj Could not find iPhone …

Hierarchic Indeterminate Checkboxes with JavaScript (Vanilla)

Earlier today Chris Coyier tweeted that he was in the process of rewriting one of his pens without jQuery: Been trying to re-write this without jQuery: I’m like 70% there but haven’t quite gotten it. jQuery is doing so much helpful DOM traversal here it’s a pain in the ass without it. — Chris …

Open your React Native’s Xcode project file from the CLI with xed

For a long time I always used the open command to open the Xcode project file contained inside React Native Projects. bramus in ~/repos/projects/react-native/example $ open ios/Example.xcodeproj It wasn’t until I recently started a new React Native project that react-native init afterwards informed me to use xed instead. The xed tool launches the Xcode application …

Stop Apple Spotlight from slowing down your Mac by preventing it to index node_modules folders

Speaking of node_modules folders, this tip by Roel Van Gils came to mind: Does your Mac becomes slow/unresponsive (fans kicking in etc.) when you `npm install` a huge project with a million tiny dependencies? I learned that adding an empty `.metadata_never_index` in /node_modules *beforehand* will prevent Spotlight from indexing all that crap. — Roel Van …

Connect to Remote MySQL Server with SSL Certificates from PHP: Fixing the error "Terminated due to signal: ABORT TRAP (6)"

Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash To connect to a MySQL Server that requires SSL from PHP with PDO, you can use this piece of code: try { $db = new PDO('mysql:host=DB_HOST;dbname=DB_NAME', $user, $pass, [ PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_SSL_KEY => 'path/to/client_private_key', PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_SSL_CERT => 'path/to/client_cert', PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_SSL_CA => 'path/to/server_ca_cert', ]); } catch (PDOException $e) { print "Error!: " . $e->getMessage() …

How to deploy your first site onto Netlify (+ basic configuration)

About two months ago I developed the website for vBridge, a new company I’m participating in. As the website consists of only one static placeholder-like page, I decided to look into hosting the page directly onto a CDN. Having heard a lot of good things about Netlify, I decided to check that out. The site …

macOS Mojave: Disable the floating screenshot thumbnail (using defaults write)

A tweet that’s been making rounds this week is on how to disable macOS Mojave’s floating screenshot preview thumbnail (and remove that delay along with it). PSA: If you’re on macOS Mojave, you can revert to the old, good, screenshot behavior (no floating screenshot thumbnail, no delay before file shows on desktop) ✨1: ⌘+Shift+52: Click …

Symfony Form Validation: Validating a date range

One of the (Symfony based) PHP projects I’m working on contains a form which allows the user to generate video clips from CCTV footage. To do this the user can enter a start and stop DateTime. For this to work the submitted input data is then checked: both start and stop must be dates, and …