Using the Numpad in vi over SSH

One of the things that kept on bothering me when SSH’ing is that the keys of the numpad would not work in vi: when pressing any key on the numpad, another key would be sent somehow. Should’ve Google’d this a lot earlier because the fix is very simple: in the preferences of Terminal, go to …

Open your React Native’s Xcode project file from the CLI with xed

For a long time I always used the open command to open the Xcode project file contained inside React Native Projects. bramus in ~/repos/projects/react-native/example $ open ios/Example.xcodeproj It wasn’t until I recently started a new React Native project that react-native init afterwards informed me to use xed instead. The xed tool launches the Xcode application …

Share terminal sessions as animated SVG with svg-term-cli

svg-term-cli is a tool that render asciicast (terminal recordings) to animated SVG. Pass the asciicast id into svg-term in order to convert it: svg-term –cast=113643 –out examples/parrot.svg –frame This asciicast for example: Using the command above, it will render to this SVG: svg-term-cli – Share terminal sessions as razor-sharp animated SVG everywhere →

ANSI Control Functions and ANSI Control Sequences (Colors, Erasing, etc.) for PHP CLI Apps

As a side project for Monolog Colored Line Formatter (which int itself also is a side project for Mixed Content Scan) I just published is ANSI PHP. bramus/ansi-php is a set of classes to working with ANSI Control Functions and ANSI Control Sequences (ANSI Escape Sequences) on text based terminals. ANSI Control Functions control an …


It’s showtime in a terminal near you! Put on your best colours, resize to 80 columns, and let your fingers fly! Termshows are purely text based. This makes them ideal for demoing instructions (as the user can copy-paste), making fail-safe “live-coding” sessions (plain text is very scalable), and sharing all your l33t terminal hacks. Great …

Removing OS X “Open With” Duplicates

Most of the time Finder will show you multiple entries for each application when right clicking a file and choosing Open With. Getting rid of Open With duplicates gives us an alias to remove those duplicates. Below is not only the alias, but a one-line command to add the alias to your ~/.bash_profile. Just copy …