Support Import Maps in any browser with es-module-shims

JavaScript Import Maps – which I wrote about earlier here — are a great addition to the web. Unfortunately they’re only supported in Chromium 89+. Thankfully there’s a polyfill available: es-module-shims. As long as your browser has baseline ES Module Support (Chrome 61+, Firefox 60+, Safari 10.1+, and Edge 17+) the polyfill will work. To …

Don’t attach tooltips to document.body

Very good performance deep dive on why you shouldn’t attach tooltips to document.body, but to a div that’s a direct child of the <body>. Tooltips in our app were taking >80ms. And during this time, the main thread was blocked, you couldn’t interact with anything. The main reason for the slowness of Tooltip was “Recalculate …

Random Paint Effects with Houdini

Speaking of George Francis in the previous post: in the latest episode of HTTP 203 Jake talks Surma through recreating these Houdini-powered “Fleck Patterns” George created before. Generative Houdini Stuff! ✨Create always-unique, responsive, “fleck” patterns — all without leaving your CSS 🎨Pass in a seed value, up to 8 colors of your choice, and a …

Crafting Organic Patterns With Voronoi Tessellations

Great post by George Francis, in which he leverages the Voronoi tessellation to generate aesthetically pleasing random patterns. When composing generative patterns, placing objects on a canvas purely at random can feel chaotic, while aligning them to a traditional grid can feel rigid/predictable. While both chaos and exacting precision can both be beautiful qualities in …

Pick Colors from websites your entire screen with the JavaScript EyeDropper API

Mid-August the WICG published a (unofficial) specification for a Native Eye Dropper — a tool you can use to get the color from the pixel that’s underneath the cursor — on the web. Let’s take a look … Usage The proposal is pretty straightforward: This API enables authors to use a browser supplied eyedropper in …

useUnmountSignal() — A React Hook to cancel promises when a component is unmounted

A React Hook that wraps around the almighty AbortController. It will automatically call abort() on the created AbortSignal instance when the component unmounts. import useUnmountSignal from 'use-unmount-signal'; function Example() { const unmountSignal = useUnmountSignal(); return ( <button onClick={() => fetch('', { signal: unmountSignal }) }> Ping </button> ); } Installation per NPM: npm i use-unmount-signal …

Execute ES Modules on the CLI

Jonathan Neal shared this little snippet on Twitter: Execute JavaScript modules like: bash ./command.js 1. Add the funky header.2. Optional: Omit the extension to not write `.js`.3. Optional: `chmod +x command` to not write `bash `. — Jonathan Neal (@jon_neal) July 25, 2021 Here’s the code: “:” //#;exec /usr/bin/env node –input-type=module – “$@” < …

JavaScript: Hostnames as self-executing fetches

In a conversation between Mathias Bynens and Ingvar Stepanyan, an idea popped up: what if a hostname — such as — would be valid JavaScript? Using a JavaScript Proxy, that’s perfect possible. My favourite is hostnames being valid (and working!) JavaScript. — Ingvar Stepanyan (@RReverser) June 12, 2019 Building further upon that is proxy-www, …

petite-vue — A 5.5kb subset of Vue optimized for Progressive Enhancement

Inspired by Alpine.js, Evan You — author of Vue — created petite-vue petite-vue is an alternative distribution of Vue optimized for progressive enhancement. It provides the same template syntax and reactivity mental model with standard Vue. However, it is specifically optimized for “sprinkling” small amount of interactions on an existing HTML page rendered by a …

Convert a String representation of a JavaScript Object to an Object

For my little helper tool that converts a JavaScript Style Object into Custom Properties I had to convert the contents of the textarea — which is a String — to an actual Object. Lacking a native Object.parse() — something like JSON.parse() or Array.from() but for objects — I created my own function: const createObjectFromString = …