Partytown: Run Third-Party Scripts off the Main Thread in a Web Worker

The folks from set out to create a way to prevent Third-Party Scripts from blocking the main thread. The result is Partytown, which runs Third-Party Scripts Within a Web Worker. Partytown is able to sandbox and isolate third-party scripts within a web worker and allow, or deny, access to main thread APIs. This includes …

useWorker() – Use Web Workers with React Hooks

useWorker() is a js library (with typescript support) that allows you to use the Web Worker Web API, through React Hooks. This library allows you to run the expensive function without blocking the user interface, using a simple syntax that makes use of Promise import React from "react"; import { useWorker, WORKER_STATUS } from "@koale/useworker"; …

Handling JavaScript events with Web Workers

Alex MacArthur: The advantages of Web Workers are many, but things really clicked for me when it came to the several DOM event listeners in any given application. These all necessarily live on the browser’s main thread, and if that thread is congested by a long-running process, the responsiveness of those listeners begins to suffer, …