Turf is a free location based iOS game set in the real world. Earn coins for visiting real life locations, take’em over, build on top of’em, and collect rent. Beware your fellow geographers who want to take your sugar! Built on top of Foursquare Here’s the Kickstarter video that shows some gameplay (project has already …
Tag Archives: ios
PaperFold for iOS
iOS in-app proxy
We received some disturbing tips today that a Russian developer has published a method of obtaining in-app purchases from iOS apps for free. The “in-app proxy” method does not require a jailbreak, can be completed by novices in three steps using just an iOS device, and allows users to install in-app content for free. The …
Google Chrome for iOS
iOS6 UI Detail
iPhone Simulator: The simulated application quit
Fresh OS X install, fresh XCode install, and starting the iPhone Simulator (without launching any custom app) quits at start-up and spits out a “The simulated application quit” error dialog. Turns out the Asepsis feature from TotalFinder (the feature which prevents the creation of .DS_Store files) is the culprit. Disable that feature and all will …
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Feel Me
From Zero to Angry Birds in 30 minutes
Facebook Camera
After acquiring Instagram for 1 Billion dollars, Facebook has released a clean instagram clone that works in same way and improves your Facebook experience. Square photos and quite the same filters. In the long run, I guess both apps will eventually become one. Download Facebook Camera App an Instagram Clone → Facebook Camera (App Store) …