React-Native “Could not find iPhone X simulator”

One of my React Native projects recently decided to no longer launch any of the iPhone Simulator devices anymore. When running react-native run-ios I was greeted with an error stating that the simulator could not be found. bramus in ~/repos/projects/react-native-maps-directions-example on master* $ react-native run-ios –simulator="iPhone X" Found Xcode project RNMapsExample.xcodeproj Could not find iPhone …

Logging client-side errors

function logError(details) { $.ajax({ type: ‘POST’, url: ‘’, data: JSON.stringify({context: navigator.userAgent, details: details}), contentType: ‘application/json; charset=utf-8’ }); } window.onerror = function(message, file, line) { logError(file + ‘:’ + line + ‘\n\n’ + message); }; Let’s keep this short. Too few websites log JavaScript errors. Let’s build a simple system to track client-side errors. Makes clever …

iPhone Simulator: The simulated application quit

Fresh OS X install, fresh XCode install, and starting the iPhone Simulator (without launching any custom app) quits at start-up and spits out a “The simulated application quit” error dialog. Turns out the Asepsis feature from TotalFinder (the feature which prevents the creation of .DS_Store files) is the culprit. Disable that feature and all will …