Webcam Hacking – The story of how I gained unauthorized Camera access on iOS and macOS

Amazing rundown by Ryan Pickren on how he gained unauthorized Camera access on iOS and macOS. We started on a normal HTTP website and ended up on a bastardized blob URI in a Secure Context. Here is a quick summary of how we did it: Open evil HTTP website HTTP website becomes a data: URI …

HTML Barcode Scanner

window.addEventListener(‘load’, function() { barcode.config.start = 0.1; barcode.config.end = 0.9; = ‘#barcodevideo’; barcode.config.canvas = ‘#barcodecanvas’; barcode.config.canvasg = ‘#barcodecanvasg’; barcode.setHandler(function(barcode) { document.getElementById(‘result’).innerHTML = barcode; }); barcode.init(); }); An HTML5 barcode scanner which scans EAN-13 barcodes using a webcam. HTML Barcode Scanner (GitHub) → Original repo was removed. Forked repos can be found below Did this help …

Responsive Typography using Face Detection

Typesetting based upon your distance to your screen. Clever use of WebRTC’s getUserMedia and JavaScript Face Detection In case you don’t have a capable browser, this is what it looks like: Responsive Typography: Breakpoints Demo → Responsive Typography: Realtime Demo → (via Jeremy) Related: headtrackr →

WebRTC RTCPeerConnection interoperability between Firefox and Chrome

RTCPeerConnection (also known simply as PeerConnection or PC) interoperability means that developers can now create Firefox WebRTC applications that make direct audio/video calls to Chrome WebRTC applications without having to install a third-party plugin. Because the functionality is now baked into the browser, users can avoid problems with first-time installs and buggy plugins, and developers …

Fun with face detection, canvas and webcam video

With the getUser­Me­dia API, a video ele­ment, a can­vas ele­ment and LiuLiu’s excel­lent face detec­tion algo­rithm, we can eas­ily play around with web­cam video data in the browser, plug-in free. Mask over­lay experiment: Scaling content experiment: Cool! Fun with face detection, canvas and webcam video → Related: getUserMedia Moustache (via