Debug/Inspect z-index stacking with the “CSS Stacking Context Inspector” DevTools extension

The Stacking Contexts Inspector is a DevTools extension for Google Chrome that allows you to analyse the stacking contexts available on a webpage. This extension will add a new panel to the DevTools and a new sidebar on the elements panel. Handy for when you’re having stacking issues. CSS Stacking Context Inspector →Stacking Contexts Inspector …

W3C WAI Curricula on Web Accessibility

Over at the W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) website you can find an extensive curricula on Web Accessibility This resource provides teaching modules to help you create courses on digital accessibility, or to include accessibility in other courses. The modules cover accessibility foundations that apply broadly, and specific skills for developers, designers, content authors, and …

This Web Site is a Tech Talk

Great talk by Zach Leatherman as recorded at Smashing Conf Austin 2020: The talk delves into Single Page Applications, Multi Page Applications, modern JavaScript Frameworks, and what I believe to be a better future for web development. /me nods along for the entirety of this talk. Powering his faux-live-coding slidedeck is Queue Code, a package …

The new native web: Bye bye animation libraries?

Talk by Ben Deitmer, as recorded at the latest Front-end Forward Meetup: Traditionally most web animations are driven purely by javascript. The now widely supported Web Animations Api has potential to drastically decrease the javascript footprint and improve performance out of the box. Ben learns you how to implement this new api but also have …

Integrate Custom Elements into Forms with ElementInternals

Over at CSS-Tricks, Caleb Williams digs into ElementInternals The ElementInternals standard is a very exciting set of features with a very unassuming name. Among the features internals adds are the ability to participate in forms and an API around accessibility controls. As you can see in the demo below his <rad-input> does exactly that. See …

quicktype — Convert JSON into gorgeous, typesafe code in any language.

Generate models and serializers from JSON, schema, and GraphQL for working with data quickly & safely in any programming language. Just paste in some JSON object, choose your output language, and voila! quicktype — Convert JSON into gorgeous, typesafe code in any language →

How the Web Audio API is used for browser fingerprinting

When generating a browser identifier, we can read browser attributes directly or use attribute processing techniques first. One of the creative techniques that we’ll discuss today is audio fingerprinting. Using an Oscillator and a Compressor they can basically calculate a specific number that identifies you. Every browser we have on our testing laptops generate a …

CSS Logical Properties Are the Future of the Web & i18n

Linked below is yet another article urging one to use CSS Logical Properties. What caught my eye in this one is the fact that author Daniel Yuschick reworked his personal website to use them, as shown in this video below. Impressive! CSS Logical Properties Are the Future of the Web & I18N → In case …