Google Cloud Build + Google Cloud Run: Fixing “ERROR: ( PERMISSION_DENIED: The caller does not have permission

Google Cloud Build is cool. Google Cloud Run is awesome. But when configuring Google Cloud Build to automatically deploy your built container to Google Cloud Run you might see this error: ERROR: ( PERMISSION_DENIED: The caller does not have permission If you’re seeing this error you forgot to set up the required IAM Permissions for …

Test an IMAP connection with cURL

Today I needed to debug an IMAP problem. I got reports from a user (whose password I recently rotated) that Outlook wouldn’t connect, even though they had updated the password in Outlook’s settings. Checking things on the server I noticed that the connection to the server was made, but the login attempt always failed. As …

Squash all Git commits with git squash-all

Freek just shared his workflow to squash all git commits into one single commit — Handy for when you’re pushing a first public release of a project. His process involves removing the .git folder and starting off fresh again with a git init. Wondering if there are handier/shorter ways to achieve this I set off …

Smooth Scrolling Sticky ScrollSpy Navigation

Yesterday evening I was working on a documentation page. The page layout is quite classic, as it consists of a content pane on the left and a sidebar navigation on the right. Looking for a way to make the page less dull I decided to add a few small things to it: Smooth Scrolling when …

Chrome vs. WordPress: All Text Showing as Glyphs / Symbols 🤯

Ever since mid december I’ve had a few reports from people that they were seeing my blog – the thing you’re reading now – rendered in unreadable text. Instead of seeing a nice serif font, they got presented with some wingdings-like symbols for all the text when visiting through Chrome on macOS. Hmm, unreadable on …

Individual CSS Transform Properties

# Individual Transform Properties New in Firefox 72 is the ability to individually define CSS Transform Properties. You can now separately define scale, rotate, and translate CSS properties, instead of having to chuff them all into one single transform property. The translate, rotate, and scale properties allow authors to specify simple transforms independently, in a …

ESNext: Replace all occurrences of a piece of text in a string with String.prototype.replaceAll

UPDATE June 2020: This feature has advanced to Stage-4 and will be part of the ES2021 Specification! 🎉 An ECMAScript Language feature that’s currently in Stage-3 is String.prototype.replaceAll, a handy way to replace all instances of a piece of text in a string. ~ The Problem If you ever needed to replace a piece of …

Have a web page prevent your screen/computer from dimming/sleeping with the Wake Lock API

On some sites you don’t want the screen to dim (and eventually turn off) when left idle. Think of a run-tracking app, a puzzle game that takes device motion input, a recipe site for example: you’d want to keep the screen awake even if there is no touch input. This is where the Wake Lock …