Firefox.html is an experiment: trying to re-implement the Firefox UI in HTML. Firefox.html →
Tag Archives: firefox
Debugging Chrome using the Firefox Debugger
Developing across multiple browsers and devices is the main issue developers have when building applications. Wouldn’t it be great to debug your app across desktop, Android, and iOS with one tool? We believe the Web is powerful enough to offer a Mobile Web development solution that meets these needs. Enter an experimental Firefox add-on called …
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WebIDE – In-browser editing for Firefox
WebIDE helps you create, edit, and test a new Web application right from your browser. It lets you install and test apps on Firefox OS devices and simulators and integrates the Firefox Developer Tools for seamless debugging and inspection across those devices. This is a first step towards debugging across various platforms and devices over …
The Application Cache is no longer a Douchebag
A new command for the Firefox Command Line (part of the Developer Tools) named appcache to manipulate/inspect the appcache. As someone commented on the original post: Somebody has recently pointed out that the appcache is still a douchebag but at least Firefox now has a way to tell us why. The Application Cache is no …
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The Web as a Platform for Gaming
By leveraging this new JavaScript optimization technology (asm.js), Mozilla has been able to bring Epic’s Unreal Engine 3 to the Web. With this port, developers will soon be able to explore limitless possibilities when it comes to porting their popular gaming titles to the Web. Mozilla is Unlocking the Power of the Web as a …
Firefox CSS live editing via SublimeText
A lot of editors are scriptable in Python. And Firefox has remote capabilities. So we are building a python library that can be used by editors to interact with Firefox (desktop or mobile). We could for example add JS breakpoints from Vim, or edit the code of the current page from SublimeText. Note that the …
Visualize Repaints in Firefox
WebRTC RTCPeerConnection interoperability between Firefox and Chrome
RTCPeerConnection (also known simply as PeerConnection or PC) interoperability means that developers can now create Firefox WebRTC applications that make direct audio/video calls to Chrome WebRTC applications without having to install a third-party plugin. Because the functionality is now baked into the browser, users can avoid problems with first-time installs and buggy plugins, and developers …
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Firefox OS Simulator
Firefox Command Line
The command line gives you quick keyboard control over your tools and access to features that don’t have any other user interface. With the GCLI, included in Firefox 16 (now in beta), you can start the built-in inspector … inspect "#home-news h3" … or can even grab a screenshot of certain element … screenshot heading.png …