Natural Shadows in CSS with inlined SVG filters

Dissecting a React Component built by Jamie Kyle, Stefan Judis provides us with an easy to use CSS class that adds a “Natural Shadow” to any element. He does this by inlining the SVG <filter> in a CSS filter. 💁‍♂️ You can think of this “Natural Shadow” like a “Ambient Lighting” (Ambilight) option on a …

Perfect Tooltips With CSS Clipping and Masking

In this post Louis Hoebregts creates nice tooltips. No, not a typical triangle injected at the bottom but a nice curved one, also letting the image underneath peek through. For it he uses mask-image consisting of two parts: one rectangle overlaying the top part of the image + one SVG arrow overlaying the bottom part. …

Recreating the Apple Keynote Event animation using SVG, Canvas, and GreenSock

Louis Hoebregts recreated the animation of last Apple’s recent Keynote Event using SVG, Canvas, and GreenSock: See the Pen Apple Keynote animation by Louis Hoebregts (@Mamboleoo) on CodePen. Crazy! 🤯 If you’re curious to see how he’s done it, in the demo below he breaks it down step by step: See the Pen Apple Keynote …

Progress Nav with IntersectionObserver

In Table of Contents with IntersectionObserver on CSS-Tricks, Chris Coyier talks about sticky table of contents on long pages whose active state updates as you scroll. When talking about those, you can not not mention the wonderful Progress Nav by Hakim El Hattab. Final version of the progress nav! Switched to SVG and made it …

Too Many SVGs Clogging Up Your Markup? Try use

Good reminder by Georgi Nikoloff to have one (visually hidden) SVG that contains several layers, which you can then include further down in your code. SVG has a <defs> tag that lets us declare something like our graph footer just once and then simply reference it — using <use> — from anywhere on the page …