Adding shadows on the web isn’t that hard: slap a CSS box-shadow onto an element and you’re done. But as Josh W. Comeau points out, making a good, life-like, shadow is hard. When I look around the web, though, it’s clear that most shadows aren’t as rich as they could be. The web is covered …
Tag Archives: shadow
Natural Shadows in CSS with inlined SVG filters
Dissecting a React Component built by Jamie Kyle, Stefan Judis provides us with an easy to use CSS class that adds a “Natural Shadow” to any element. He does this by inlining the SVG <filter> in a CSS filter. 💁♂️ You can think of this “Natural Shadow” like a “Ambient Lighting” (Ambilight) option on a …
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Simulating Drop Shadows with the CSS Paint API
Steve Fulghum takes a look at how we can use Houdini’s Paint API to paint a complex shadow. See the Pen Simulating Drop Shadows with the CSS Paint API by Steve Fulghum (@steve_fulghum) on CodePen. If you’re interested into making your first Paint Worklet with Houdini, you can easily follow along with the article/tutorial. Simulating …
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Stacked Rainbow Cards
Smoother & sharper shadows with layered box-shadows
If you try to capture the subtleties of a real shadow with box-shadow then, well, you’re pretty much out of luck. The box-shadow CSS property isn’t exactly built to encourage expressiveness. But with a simple CSS technique, we can expand our range of options. If we use layered box-shadows we can get more fine-grained control …
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