Google Maps HeatMap Layer

Some time last week, Google has (finally) released a HeatMap Layer for Google Maps. The Heatmap Layer provides client side rendering of heatmaps. A heatmap is a visualization used to depict intensity of data at geographical points. When the Heatmap Layer is enabled, a colored overlay will appear on top of the map. By default, …

Collusion – See who’s tracking you online

Collusion is an experimental add-on for Firefox and allows you to see all the third parties that are tracking your movements across the Web. It will show, in real time, how that data creates a spider-web of interaction between companies and other trackers. A neat demo/datavisualization is also available, in case you don’t want to …

Descent of ESA’s Huygens’ probe at Titan

This movie, built with data collected during ESA Huygens’ mission at Titan on 14 January 2005, shows the operation of the DISR camera during its descent up to touch-down. The almost 4-hour long operation of DISR is shown in less than five minutes – 40 times the actual speed up to landing and 100 times …

Spectrogram – Canvas based Musical Spectrum Analysis

Sound frequencies are displayed as they are heard. Lower frequencies are mapped low (bottom) to high (top). Brightness is determined by amplitude. Sweeping tones and rhythmic patterns create intricate structures. The circular form is in memorial of dead formats; the CD, MiniDisc and others. R.I.P. Here’s a Leesa’s The Mansion run through Spectrogram: Built by …