CSS attribute value less than / greater than / equals selectors

Yesterday Ana Tudor wondered if should could write CSS selectors using less-than and greater-than logic: CSS attribute selector wish:[data-code>2][data-code<19] { /* styles */ }[data-code>=19][data-code<65] { /* other styles */ }and so on… — Ana Tudor (@anatudor) October 12, 2016 Unfortunately this kind of selectors don’t work (yet). Until then one could use JavaScript to tackling …

Adding “feature X is unsupported” warnings in your CSS Demos with @supports

Great tip from tuts+: When your CodePen demos rely on cutting edge CSS it’s a good idea to warn people. Let’s provide a notification when browsers don’t support our demos, using the @supports rule to make a handy reusable CodePen asset. New to Feature Queries (e.g. @supports)? Using Feature Queries in CSS will get you …

Simple Flexbox Grid System

… with blackjack, and hookers! (ref) Introduction and Requirements A while ago, I created a small and simple flexbox-based grid system for use in the projects we make at work. The developed Grid System inspired upon how Bootstrap works: it divides the grid into 12 columns (configurable). it supports gutters in between columns (configurable). it …

Fukol™ Grids

Building a CSS Grid System isn’t that hard really, thanks to flexbox. Heydon has stripped it to its smallest form: .fukol-grid { display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; margin: -0.5em; } .fukol-grid > * { flex: 1 0 10em; margin: 0.5em; } Fukol™ is a lightweight, breakpoint free, completely responsive, element query driven*, progressive enhancement based CSS …

Why there is no CSS4?

Rachel Andrew: If you read something about CSS3 Selectors, then what is actually being described is something that is part of the CSS Selectors Level 3 specification. […] The CSS Working Group is now working on Selectors Level 4 with new proposed features plus the selectors that were part of Level 3 (and CSS 1 …

Gmail to remove CSS :checked support 😟

With a new update about to roll (already rolling?) out, Gmail has added support for – amongst other things – media queries and non-inline styles. Along with that update however, they’ve also axed support for :checked: Also gone is the support for :checked selectors. The only pseudo-class selector supported in Gmail and G Suite webmail …

CSS Transparent and Outlined Text

For a recent project we did at work I needed outlined text. Using text-shadow you can achieve the desired effect, but one must admit: it’s ugly. Some browsers however (Webkit) support the text-stroke property which gets a much nicer result. Here’s a demo pen: See the Pen CSS Transparent and Outlined Text by Bramus! (@bramus) …

Emoji Silhouettes and Emoji Outlines with CSS

From StackOverflow: It’s possible to include Emoji characters in modern browsers, but how can one make it a single color and choose that color? Using an (inset) text-shadow in combination with transparent text color this indeed is possible: With some more CSS – and an extra attribute – it’s possible to even achieve a (faux) …

New CSS rotate syntax

In the CSS Transforms Module Level 2 there will be individual transform properties for translate, scale, and rotate. This pen by Wes Bos demonstrates the new rotate syntax (use Canary): See the Pen ALbmzN by Wes Bos (@wesbos) on CodePen. So how exactly is said syntax? Here’s a snippet from the spec: The rotate property …