CSS Code Review by Jonathan Snook

Some time last week Brad Frost asked on Twitter for some feedback on a bit of markup he had built: Hey web forms and BEM aficionados, anyone care to review some form markup I've been writing? https://t.co/SyACn1LZ9s — Brad Frost (@brad_frost) July 15, 2016 Jonathan Snook took the time to give Brad some feedback, which …

Responsive Typography

Mike Riethmuller: It is possible to have precise control over responsive typography. Using calc() and viewport units you can create fluid type that scales perfectly between specific pixel values, within a specific viewport range. The formula used is this one: @media (min-width: #{$min_width}px) and (max-width: #{$max_width}px) { font-size: calc(#{$min_font}px + (#{$max_font} – #{$min_font}) * ( …

Decorative CSS Text Underline

Decorative Text Underline uses a combination of box-shadow and text-shadow to form a modest underline that preserves the element color and weaves between text descenders. Neat, yet very intensive and only works with text that is rendered onto a fixed background color (no gradients or images!). I sure do hope we can get this natively …

Mediaqueryless Responsiveness

Slides of the – highly entertaining – talk @Vasilis gave at CSS Day 2016 in which he elaborated on a few techniques he experimented with in order to get responsive-like sites without using any media queries. Some neat tricks include: Calling it “active whitespace” instead of floats getting stacked up 😛 Setting a unit-ed value …

Modern Layouts: Getting Out Of Our Ruts

Video (filmed at An Event Apart) and slides from “Modern Layouts: Getting Out of Our Ruts” by Jen Simmons: In the early years of the web, there was a lot of variation and experimentation with where to put content on a web page. Then, it seems we all settled into a handful of patterns and …


The only .css file you’ll ever need, following the most recent CSS methodologies where you define just about everything in separate classes. Usage is really easy: Take any CSS rule you want to apply, replace : by -, and dots by -dot-, and you get the name of the corresponding universal css classname. For instance, …