How to use variable fonts in the real world

Richard Rutter (@clagnut): Using variable fonts in the real world turns out to be tricky. This post explains how we achieved it for the new Ampersand website and what we learned along the way. Always great to see how others went head first into a problem. Be sure to checkout the Ampersand website itself too, …

Recreating the GitHub Contribution Graph with CSS Grid Layout

Recently, I decided to try to recreate the GitHub Contribution graph using CSS Grid Layout, and found it was an interesting challenge. As I always find while working with CSS Grid Layout, I end up with far less CSS than I would have using almost any other method. In this case, the layout-related part of …

CSS Paint API (Houdini’s Paint Worklet) available in Chrome 65!

Oh yeah, the CSS Paint API will be enabled by default in Chrome 65: CSS Paint API allows you to programmatically generate an image whenever a CSS property expects an image. Properties like background-image or border-image are usually used with url() to load an image file or with CSS built-in functions like linear-gradient(). Instead of … – Free Video Series to learning CSS Grid

Great new video series by Wes Bos, this time on learning CSS Grid. CSS Grid may seem a bit daunting with new syntax and layout ideas, but it’s fairly simple and can be broken down into a handful of powerful concepts that when used together will blow your mind and change the way you create …

Fontastic Web Performance

Emojineer Monica Dinculescu: Web fonts are awesome. They make your sans-serifs slabby, your headers special and your website look gorgeous. But fonts are a resource, and downloading resources always comes as a cost — if you don’t load web fonts efficiently, what you get instead are phantom underlines, blank pages, and user rage. Let’s talk …

Sam Richard: Magic Tricks with CSS Houdini

Recording of Sam Richard talking at ColdFront17 about the aforementioned Houdini: This talk will focus on the working being done by the CSS Houdini Task Force to provide us with the ability to extend the browser’s render engine with JavaScript, above and beyond simply running JS on the main thread or a web worker.

Design Systems and CSS Grid

Stuart Robson uses CSS Grid for what it’s meant to be used for: creating a grid. He evens creates a faux subgrid by leveraging calc() to define the two margin-columns. .container { grid-template-columns: [full-start] minmax(calc(calc(100% – 1008px) / 2), 1fr) [main-start] repeat(14, [col-start] 1fr) [main-end] minmax(calc(calc(100% – 1008px) / 2), 1fr) [full-end]; } Add in …

Customizing Pull-to-Refresh and Overflow Effects with CSS’ overscroll-behavior

Next to dynamic imports, another feature that landed in Chrome 63 is CSS overscroll-behavior: Scrolling is one of the most fundamental ways to interact with a page, but certain patterns can be tricky to deal with. For example, the browsers pull to refresh feature, where swiping down at the top of the page, does a …

Implement FLIP transitions easily with flipping

Back in 2015 Paul Lewis published a brilliant article named FLIP your animations, a technique to getting smooth animations on the web. FLIP stands for First, Last, Invert, Play First: before anything happens, record the current (i.e., first) position and dimensions of the element that will transition. You can use element.getBoundingClientRect() for this, as will …