Create Diagonal Layouts with CSS Transforms

Layouts with diagonal sections are quite popular for several years now. It is not the new hot stuff, and you will probably not find it in the articles titled “Design trends for 2020”. But I think it is here to stay. It is one tool designers can use to bring some dynamic to all the …

The CSS place-items shorthand

Great tip by Umar Hansa: CSS Tip 💡️The place-items property is shorthand for the align-items and justify-items properties. Here's an interactive demo of how it works: — Umar Hansa (@umaar) April 7, 2020 To center children both vertically and horizontally, you only have to use these two declarations: element { display: grid; place-items: center; …

CSS Findings From The New Facebook Design

Ahmad Shadeed dove into the new Facebook design and noted his findings. I am a curious person who is always interested in opening up the browser DevTools to see how things were made on a website. This is the first time that I blog about something like this. I found some interesting uses of different …

Pass Data from CSS to JavaScript with CSS Variables

What happens when you combine the fact that part after the : for CSS Custom Properties doesn’t need to be valid CSS with window.getComputedStyle()? You get a way of passing data – including Arrays, Objects, and even JSON – from CSS to JavaScript. Psst… Hey kid… Did you know you can pass data from your …