This script corrupts some bytes in a jpg image. Because of the way jpg encoding works, the corrupted file still shows something JPG Glitch →
Tag Archives: canvas
Output snapshots and screenshots of canvas elements directly in the console of the Chrome Dev Tools var canvas = document.createElement(“canvas”), ctx = canvas.getContext(“2d”); // … //draw // … console.screenshot(canvas, 0.8); //Snapshot it and scale the output to 80% of the original size Resulting output is the image picture above. Also supports creating a snapshot which …
Ejecta – Open Source JavaScript, Canvas & Audio Implementation for iOS
Chrome Experiment – Google “Roll It”
Two.js is a two-dimensional drawing api geared towards modern web browsers. It is renderer agnostic enabling the same api to draw in multiple contexts: svg, canvas, and webgl. Two.js is deeply inspired by flat motion graphics. As a result, two.js aims to make the creation and animation of flat shapes easier and more concise. At …
Flat Surface Shader
Deleting Borders
Amatorski, one of Belgiums finest bands, has been fascinated by the way the internet is deleting borders. They collaborated with We Work We Play to create an art project bringing together music and visuals, in a mix of online and offline interaction. Implemented using a custom JavaScript Metronome and Howler.js;Rendered on <canvas> with Delaunay triangulation …
Sonic Creator
Shumway – Flash VM and runtime written in JavaScript
Fun with face detection, canvas and webcam video
With the getUserMedia API, a video element, a canvas element and LiuLiu’s excellent face detection algorithm, we can easily play around with webcam video data in the browser, plug-in free. Mask overlay experiment: Scaling content experiment: Cool! Fun with face detection, canvas and webcam video → Related: getUserMedia Moustache (via