Photoshop-style blend modes for HTML Canvas Contexts

Adobe Photoshop has a variety of helpful blend modes for compositing images from multiple RGBA layers. This small library provides the same functionality for HTML Canvas Contexts, with the goal of producing the same results as Photoshop. Allows you to do stuff like: // Likely an ‘offscreen’ (not in the DOM) canvas var over = …

Instagram Unshredder Challenge: Javascript Solutions

Recently the engineers at Instagram challenged the interwebs to write some code that unshreds a chopped up image. Some of us took the liberty of solving the problem in Javascript, although it wasn’t one of the languages suggested. Solution by Joe Lambert Solution by Ron Ilan Solution by Diego Ferreiro Be sure to check and …

Opening Titles for Web Directions South 2011

This is rather crazy, especially if you know how it’s done: The opening titles for WDS11 were designed to test the graphical capabilities of modern web browsers. Using HTML, CSS3, WebGL and Canvas, I created a 2-screen production that required 2 laptops that were carefully synced to 2 projectors. Yes, that’s right: 2 separate browsers, …