Two.js is a two-dimensional drawing api geared towards modern web browsers. It is renderer agnostic enabling the same api to draw in multiple contexts: svg, canvas, and webgl.
Two.js is deeply inspired by flat motion graphics. As a result, two.js aims to make the creation and animation of flat shapes easier and more concise. At the time of this writing two.js unfortunately does not support text or images.
// Make an instance of two and place it on the page.
var elem = document.getElementById('draw-shapes').children[0];
var params = { width: 285, height: 200 };
var two = new Two(params).appendTo(elem);
// two has convenience methods to create shapes.
var circle = two.makeCircle(72, 100, 50);
var rect = two.makeRectangle(213, 100, 100, 100);
// The object returned has many stylable properties:
circle.fill = '#FF8000';
circle.stroke = 'orangered'; // Accepts all valid css color
circle.linewidth = 5;
rect.fill = 'rgb(0, 200, 255)';
rect.opacity = 0.75;
// Don't forget to tell two to render everything
// to the screen
Looks promising!