The relentless pace of change

Extract from a breathtaking 24ways-piece by Christopher Murphy: On 21 May 2013, I woke in a hospital bed feeling exhausted, disorientated and ashamed. The day before, I had tried to kill myself. We work in a fast-paced industry: few others, if any, confront the daily challenges we face. The landscape we work within is characterised …

Grunt for People Who Think Things Like Grunt are Weird and Hard

Let’s face it: Grunt is one of those fancy newfangled things that all the cool kids seem to be using but at first glance feels strange and intimidating. I hear you. This article is for you. Great introduction to Grunt on 24ways. A must read for anyone starting out with it. Grunt for People Who …


Output snapshots and screenshots of canvas elements directly in the console of the Chrome Dev Tools var canvas = document.createElement(“canvas”), ctx = canvas.getContext(“2d”); // … //draw // … console.screenshot(canvas, 0.8); //Snapshot it and scale the output to 80% of the original size Resulting output is the image picture above. Also supports creating a snapshot which …

The franticness of working in the web business

Some interesting quotes by Richard Davey from his talk HTML5 Gaming on the Mobile Web is now live on Adobe TV: Things you’re told not possible today might be by the end of the project and Be prepared to un-learn what you know every 6 months Think of new features that appear in a canary/beta …

Become a Javascript Console Power-User

Level up on the Javascript console in the Chrome DevTools. Look at XHR requests, learn console helper functions to monitor events or explore objects better. Paul Irish from the Chrome team gives you a rundown. We all know console.x, but there’s some more stuff to do in the console … sure that $0 shorthand will …

A Proposal: Renaming Backend/Frontend to Application/UI Developers

The evolution of web technologies in the last several years has blurred the line between what we usually call backend vs. frontend development. On the other hand, expectations put in front of developers highly reflect that rather rigid distinction based on technology, instead the one that would be based on processes in software production. Is …

Trello – Your entire project, in a single glance

A must have tool if you’re working together with others on projects. Works like a charm: organizes your cards (along with a description, checklists, and comments) in the (customizable) todo–doing–done columns, assign people and labels to it, etc. Above that it’s free and iOS/Android apps are available too. Trello → (via Small Town Heroes when …