Easily write Twitter threads with ThreadStart

Whenever I write a Twitter Thread I carefully lay out my planned tweets in advance in a text editor. After manually adjusting my sentences to have tweetable parts, I tweet them out one by one. Quite a cumbersome work, where ThreadStart can do the heavy lifting for me instead: Creating a Twitter thread without guidance …

Remotion – Create videos programmatically in React

Remotion is a suite of libraries building a fundament for creating videos programmatically using React. Leverage web technologies: Use all of CSS, Canvas, SVG, WebGL, etc. Leverage programming: Use variables, functions, APIs, math and algorithms to create new effects Leverage React: Reusable components, Powerful composition, Fast Refresh, Package ecosystem Also comes with a handy player …

Easily see the JavaScript Keyboard Event KeyCodes with keycode.info

Handy helper tool by Wes Bos: simply press any key and see the results for KeyboardEvent.which, KeyboardEvent.key,KeyboardEvent.code, etc. As a user with an AZERTY keyboard layout I often have a broken experience on sites that respond to first row of keys, e.g. QWERTY. As those sites respond to KeyboardEvent.key — which differs from layout to …

Unclack for macOS: Automatically mute your microphone while you type

Unclack is the small but mighty Mac utility that mutes your microphone while you type. No more getting called out for clacking your way through a Zoom meeting on your clicky keyboard! Heh, clever. Unclack for macOS → Related: I’m a happy user of Krisp, which uses AI to automatically filter out background noises (and …

Preview, Edit and Generate Meta Tags with MetaTags.io

Speaking of meta tags in the previous post, the Meta Tags tool has been sitting in my bookmarks for quite a while now: With Meta Tags you can edit and experiment with your content then preview how your webpage will look on Google, Facebook, Twitter and more! Drop in an image, type some text, and …

`dive` – A tool for exploring a Docker Image, Layer Contents, and discovering ways to shrink the size of your Docker/OCI Image

You can use dive to help you optimize your Docker image layers. Say you have these two layers in your Dockerfile: RUN wget http://xcal1.vodafone.co.uk/10MB.zip -P /tmp RUN rm /tmp/10MB.zip Then you’ll end up with 10MB of wasted space. dive will tell you, so that you can combine these into one optimized layer: RUN wget http://xcal1.vodafone.co.uk/10MB.zip …