Interop 2022

Interop 2022 is the successor to Compat 2021, an joint effort by browser vendors to work on browser compatibility. Interop 2022 is a public effort and benchmark around which browser vendors can collaborate to improve interoperability in areas believed to be important to web developers. It is composed of two parts: 15 focus areas on …

VisBug — Open source browser design tools

Speaking of alternative in-browser DevTools in the previous post: be sure to also check out VisBug, created by Adam Give power to designers & content creators power within the web project they have today, by bringing design tool interactions to the browser. Here’s Adam presenting it at Chrome Dev Summit 2018: You can try it …

CSS Scan Pro — A re-imagined DevTools for web design

Guilherme Rizzo has been busy creating CSS Scan Pro, a re-imagined DevTools CSS Scan Pro makes it radically easy to get the looks of your favorite websites. Hover over any element, and get everything you need (styles, animations, assets, etc…), instantly. Copy elements with a single click, or edit them with our intuitive CSS editor, …

How to Favicon in 2022

Updated version of to the How to Favicon in 2021. <link rel="icon" href="/favicon.ico" sizes="any"><!– 32×32 –> <link rel="icon" href="/icon.svg" type="image/svg+xml"> <link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="/apple-touch-icon.png"><!– 180×180 –> <link rel="manifest" href="/manifest.webmanifest"> The markup (and manifest) are essentially the same as the 2021 version, with one exception: sizes=”any” has been added to the favicon.ico reference. This is a workaround …

Add Responsive-Friendly Enhancements to <details> with <details-utils>

Zach created a very handy Web Component that augments and wraps around a <details> element. He’s named it <details-utils>. This web component adds five new responsive-friendly enhancements to one or more <details> elements nestled inside: Force open/closed Click outside to close Close on esc Animate open/closed Toggle root element class Using attributes you can control …

DevTools for Tailwind

If Tailwind is your thing, the “DevTools for Tailwind” by the folks over at BeyondCode looks like a handy tool to have. The DevTools for Tailwind CSS bring back designing and debugging in your browser. You can use the full power of the JIT engine and even add classes like border-[30px] on sites that use …

Connect to a Database from CSS

You can’t connect to a database from within CSS, Right? Or can you? Leveraging Houdini and SQL.js — which is SQLite compiled to JavaScript to serve as in-memory DB — you can. Using some Custom Properties, you can pass in queries to be executed. .query-display { background: paint(sql-css); } main { –sql-query: SELECT * FROM …