Decipher pixelated images with unredacter

Unredacter shows you why you should never ever ever use pixelation as a redaction technique. As mentioned in the accompanying write-up: The bottom line is that when you need to redact text, use black bars covering the whole text. Never use anything else. No pixelization, no blurring, no fuzzing, no swirling. unredacter (GitHub) →Never, Ever, …

Interop 2022 Dashboard

The Interop 2022 Dashboard is live. On it, you can track the progress per browser engine as they work on Interop 2022, which I covered some time ago here. Furthermore, the announcements by all browser vendors (Mozilla, Microsoft, Google, Apple) and invested companies (Bocoup, Igalia) have been published as well. Interop 2022 Dashboard →

Building Web Layouts For Dual-Screen And Foldable Devices

One topic that’s been sitting in my “to write about” queue for quite some time now is CSS for Dual-screen devices. Looks like I can scrap that one, as Stephanie Stimac wrote the post, which got published on Smashing Magazine Foldable devices are available to purchase, and are currently being used by consumers today, and …

Flexbox Dynamic Line Separator

Nice one by Ahmad Shadeed: a line-separator between two flex items that plays nice with either flex-directions. The line itself is dynamically injected using generated content. As it becomes part of the flexbox layout it’s contained in — something I didn’t know — you can control its flex properties. The trick is to: Stretch the …

Worldle — Name the Country based on its Shape

Fun little wordle-inspired guess game where you get presented a country shape and you need to guess its name. Per guess you get to see how far off you are and which direction to look into. Worldle → Related: Globle also lets you search for a country, without an initial shape hint. If you want …

Log images to the DevTools Console with console.image()

One of the things you can do on the DevTools’s Console is style the output for console.log() and the like: console.log(“%cMy stylish message”, “color: yellow; font-style: italic; background-color: blue;padding: 2px”); Leveraging this technique, it’s possible to log images to the console: Load the image via JS and extract its dimensions Expand the box of the …

DevToys — A Swiss Army Knife for Developers

DevToys helps in daily tasks like formatting JSON, comparing text, testing RegExp. No need to use many untruthful websites to do simple tasks with your data. Contains some handy tools like a Json to Yaml and Yaml to Json converter, JWT Decoder, base64 encoder/decoder, etc. Windows only, but a fork for Mac is also available. …

alrra/browser-logos — A repository collecting high resolution web browser logos

If you’re looking for high resolution web browser logos to include in your presentations or imagery, alrra/browser-logos has them all. You may want these for a presentation, a blog post or for the site featuring your brand new awesome lightbox script (please no!). All logos are high resolution with transparent backgrounds. alrra/browser-logos Repo →alrra/browser-logos Logos …