LeapJS – JavaScript client(s) for the Leap Motion Controller

My Leap Motion Controller arrived last week. It’s quite fun to play around with, yet not recommended for every day use (this review by The Verge sums it all up quite nicely). Above that the daemon eats away CPU cycles as if it were candy 🙁 One very cool aspect about the Leap Motion though …

Why mobile web apps are slow

It may prove to be a very stupid idea, but this article is my attempt to talk reasonably about a topic that has so far spawned 100% unreasonable flamewar-filled bikeshed discussions. A lengthy, yet highly informative, and very in-depth article on why exactly JS-heavy web apps run slow on mobiles. Goes into depth on garbage …


Output snapshots and screenshots of canvas elements directly in the console of the Chrome Dev Tools var canvas = document.createElement(“canvas”), ctx = canvas.getContext(“2d”); // … //draw // … console.screenshot(canvas, 0.8); //Snapshot it and scale the output to 80% of the original size Resulting output is the image picture above. Also supports creating a snapshot which …

X-Tag: Web Components’ Custom Elements Polyfill

X-Tag is a powerful sugar library primarily focused on wrapping and enhancing one of the draft-state Web Component specs: Custom Elements With Custom Elements, you could for example just write up <x-map data-key="6c86bb5b30a442c180772d978f3ae000"></x-map> in your HTML and have it rendered as a full blown map. Speed Up App Development with X-Tag and Web Components →X-Tag …

The Intern: A next-generation JavaScript testing stack

Run tests using the browser or node.js and seamlessly integrate with SauceLabs or Selenium. Write tests using object, TDD, or BDD styles and get full code coverage reporting with Istanbul. Continuous integration? Intern has you covered with Travis CI support out-of-the-box. Looks promising. Bumping this one onto my todo list The Intern →

Ejecta – Open Source JavaScript, Canvas & Audio Implementation for iOS

Ejecta is like a Browser without the Browser. It’s specially crafted for Games and Animations. It has no DIVs, no Tables, no Forms – only Canvas and Audio elements. This focus makes it fast. Neat! And by the looks of it blazingly fast too! Ejecta →

ORBX.js – A Downloadable HD Codec Written in JS and WebGL

ORBX.js is a JavaScript library that enables Windows, Linux or Mac OSX apps to be virtualized in the cloud and streamed to any HTML5-enabled browser, including those running on mobile devices Really impressive stuff. In the video above Steam is being run somewhere in the cloud and streamed to the client which is Firefox. Rendering …

PathFinding.js – A comprehensive path-finding library for grid based games

The aim of this project is to provide a path-finding library that can be easily incorporated into web games. It may run on Node.js or the browser. PathFinding.js Demo →PathFinding.js source → Related: A* Pathfinding for Beginners →