Building mobile-first web animations in React

Talk by Alex Holachek, as brought forward at React Conf 2019: As the technology to create Progressive Web Apps continues to mature, React developers have the opportunity to write web apps that in some cases can rival native ones in terms of speed and convenience. However, one barrier to feature parity is the difficulty of …

React Native Gesture Handler

React Native Gesture Handler is a declarative API exposing platform native touch and gesture system to React Native. React Native Gesture Handler provides native-driven gesture management APIs for building best possible touch-based experiences in React Native. With this library gestures are no longer controlled by the JS responder system, but instead are recognized and tracked …

JavaScript Kinetic Scrolling

In a recent project I implemented Kinetic Scrolling (aka Momentum Scrolling, aka Inertia Scrolling). For this I based myself upon the set of demos and articles by Ariya Hidayat. The article series starts at basic drag-and-scrolling, and then continues to momentum scrolling, and so forth. Even though the content is over 3 years old, it …

LeapJS – JavaScript client(s) for the Leap Motion Controller

My Leap Motion Controller arrived last week. It’s quite fun to play around with, yet not recommended for every day use (this review by The Verge sums it all up quite nicely). Above that the daemon eats away CPU cycles as if it were candy 🙁 One very cool aspect about the Leap Motion though …