
Two.js is a two-dimensional drawing api geared towards modern web browsers. It is renderer agnostic enabling the same api to draw in multiple contexts: svg, canvas, and webgl. Two.js is deeply inspired by flat motion graphics. As a result, two.js aims to make the creation and animation of flat shapes easier and more concise. At …

It’s not a web app. It’s an app you install from the web.

The people over at on how often they receive mails from people looking for their app in the App Store where it is not to be found:/p> You don’t get Forecast from the App Store: just go to on your phone, and you’ll be given instructions on how to download it. It’s 2013, …

I know jQuery. Now what?

Remy Sharp on his stance to not include jQuery by default anymore: The point is that today we have features natively available, and I’m trying to consider my audience before dropping in jQuery by default Yet again one of the reasons why I teach my students bare/vanilla JS next to learning them to work with …

One Less JPG

Update 2017: By now it’s clear that an equal amount of JS-bytes and JPG-bytes are not the same. The JS still needs to be evaluated and executed, which also comes as a cost. People often build beautiful sites with multiple easy-to-use JavaScript libraries. Then, when it comes to addressing frontend performance, suddenly those libraries are …

Long overdue: HTTPS for the App Store

Early July 2012, I reported to Apple numerous vulnerabilities related to their App Store iOS app. Early March Apple finally issued a fix for it and turned on HTTPS for the App Store. I am really happy that my spare-time work pushed Apple to finally enabled HTTPS to protect users. This post discuss the vulnerabilities …

JSON.stringify()’s arguments

JSON.stringify() has more than one argument: value – the value one wants to convert to a string replacer – an array or a function to filter fields space – the number of spaces (or a string) to use for indentation var person = {“name”:”Jim Cowart”,”location”:{“city”:{“name”:”Chattanooga”,”population”:167674},”state”:{“name”:”Tennessee”,”abbreviation”:”TN”,”population”:6403000}},”company”:”appendTo”}; JSON.stringify(person, [“name”, “company”], 4); /* produces: “{ “name”: “Jim Cowart”, …