The Making of ”Welcome Home” by Spike Jonze

I really enjoyed Apple’s “Welcome Home” ad for the HomePod, directed by Spike Jonze: Over at AdWeek there’s a behind the scenes video available showing how they made it: In particular, we get immersed in the choreography and the production design. But we also see how other elements came together, like the lighting, music and …

How far ahead of Apple Maps is Google Maps?

In succession to Google Maps’s Quiet Transformation, a new – and very extensive and highly interesting – comparison by the same author. He start off by taking a look at the level of detail when it comes to buildings. But these buildings are more than just a pretty detail—they appear to be the foundation for …

Luna Display’s “Camera Button”

What do you do when Apple keeps on taking away buttons from their devices (and when swipe gestures from nearly all edges are already taken by something else)? Well, you invent a new button: So when we ran out of buttons to hide our software’s UI behind, it really forced us to use our imagination. …

Rendering Sites Fullscreen in Safari on iPhone X / Introducing “User Agent Variables” (CSS Environment Variables)

What the …? By default, the new iPhone X in landscape mode will contain sites in the so called “safe area”, resulting in white bars being rendered on either side of the site (src). The color, white by default, can be tweaked by altering the background-color on the <body> element. Do note that it’s only …

Google Maps’s Quiet Transformation

Justin O’Beirne kept an eye on how a specific area evolved on Google Maps and on Apple Maps over time: Patricia’s Green is the centerpiece of a vibrant and trendy neighborhood in central San Francisco, just blocks away from City Hall. I wrote a script that takes monthly screenshots of Google and Apple Maps. Thirteen …

Apple Live Photos for JavaScript Developers

In a rather surprising move Apple has released a JavaScript library to play Live Photos on the web on NPM: Use the LivePhotosKit JS library to play Live Photos on your web pages. The JavaScript API presents the player in the form of a DOM element, much like an image or video tag, which can …

Laphs: Apple Live Photos on the Web

From the folks over at Tumblr: Add support for Apple’s Live Photos in web browsers. Install it using npm, or include the dist file: npm install –save laphs You can make Laphs work with existing elements: <img src="STILL-PHOTO.jpg" data-live-photo="" data-live-photo-still-image-time="1.71"/> <script>LivePhotos.initialize();</script> Or, alternatively, directly create new instances: const livePhoto = new LivePhotos.LivePhoto(el, options); Laphs: Live …

The Apple-Google shift

Elliot-Jay Stocks: Okay, so I’m considering a switch to Android. No big deal. I’m following in the footsteps of many, many, many others. But what I find interesting outside of my own personal decision is that there seems to be a growing discontent with Apple — especially amongst former so-called fanboys/girls — and, at the …