What’s new in @bramus/specificity v2

Back in February I created @bramus/specificity, an NPM package to calculate the Specificity of CSS Selectors. As that version was more of a thought experiment/POC, there was a lot of room for improvement. Yesterday, after 11 betas, version 2.0.0 of @bramus/specificity was released. Let’s take a look … Quick Example To give you an idea …

Force DNS resolving in cURL with the --resolve switch

It’s possible to force DNS resolving in cURL using the –resolve switch. The –resolve switch allows you to tell curl which address to request when it would resolve a given hostname. The format of the argument is domain:port:ip # HTTPS Example curl -I -L https://domain.example.org/ \ –resolve domain.example.org:443: # HTTP Example curl -I -L http://domain.example.org/ …