JavaScript: What’s new in ECMAScript 2018 (ES2018)?

👋 This post also got published on Medium. If you like it, please give it some love a clap over there. At the latest TC39 meeting the new features that will make it into the “ECMAScript® 2018 Language Specification” (ES2018) have been selected. All proposals that have reached stage-4 since the consolidation of ES2017 got …

Fixing iTunes Connect “ERROR ITMS-90717” with ImageMagick

When recently publishing an app to the App Store (or at least trying to get it published back then), I couldn’t upload the app via the Application Loader. I got back ERROR ITMS-90717 “Invalid App Store Icon. The App Store Icon in the asset catalog in ‘’ can’t be transparent nor contain an alpha channel.” …

On “Secure Contexts” in Firefox, HTTPS for local development, and a potential nice gesture by Chrome

👋 This post also got published on Medium. If you like it, please give it some love a clap over there. Earlier today, in a post entitled Secure Contexts Everywhere, it was announced on the Mozilla Security Blog that Firefox from now on will only expose new features such as new CSS properties to secure …

JavaScript: Remove a property from an object immutably by destructuring it

Say you have a JavaScript object like this: const user = { firstName: ‘Bramus’, lastName: ‘Van Damme’, twitter: ‘bramus’, city: ‘Vinkt’, email: ‘’, }; And now say you want to create a copy of the whole object, containing all properties except for the email property. # The oldskool way: The first idea that came to …

Automatically set up your Mac and configure macOS using ./freshinstall

Recently I configured my new MacBook Pro. I decided to start with a clean slate and not migrate anything from my old MacBook. To configure macOS I whipped up ./freshinstall, which automates that process. Steps included are: Configure macOS Preferences and the like Generate and load SSH keys Install the essentials: XCode, Git, Homebrew Copy …

Stealing Usernames, Passwords, and other (Personal) Data via Browsers and NPM Packages

👋 This post also got published on Medium. If you like it, please give it some love a clap over there. Late 2016, Stoyan Stefanov published “Oversharing with the browser’s autofill”. It’s an article on stealing personal data using the browsers their form autofill feature. The attack works by leveraging abusing the fact that autocompletion …

On release cycles and deprecating stuff

From “What Really Happened with Vista: An Insider’s Retrospective” by Ben Fathi: The three year release cycle meant we rarely knew what the competitive landscape and external ecosystem would look like when we started a release […] What we thought we knew three or four years ago when we planned a given OS release was …

Launch a React Native app with “Debug JS Remotely” enabled by default

I had a bug in a React Native app which only occurred on the very first launch of the app, right after install. The bug was situated in a complex Redux Saga which bootstraps the application and populates the Redux store with things like an (anonymous) API token, (remote) config settings, etc. The bug didn’t …

Cancel a JavaScript Promise with AbortController

👋 This post also got published on Medium. If you like it, please give it some love a clap over there. In How to Cancel Your Promise Seva Zaikov has done a nice writeup exploring several attempts on how to cancel promises. After also touching generators and async/await the conclusion is that you can’t actually …

JavaScript’s setTimeout “other” arguments

When using setTimeout, it’s not needed to wrap a function with arguments into an anonymous function and call it from there. What you can do instead is pass the function in via its name (as you would do with a function that has no arguments), and pass in the arguments via the 3rd, 4th, 5th, …