ECMAScript Proposals Overview

Saad Quadri created a handy website that lists all ECMAScript Proposals. On one single page you can get a quick glimpse of all proposals and the current stage they are in. Great to see that the various stages of the TC39 Development Process themselves —something I always mention in my ever-evolving talk on ESNext— get …

ESNext: Import Assertions (JSON Modules, CSS Modules, …)

Did you know you can import JSON and CSS files just like you import JavaScript Modules? Thanks to Import Assertions, it’s as easy as this: Building upon "Import Assertions" we recently saw JSON Modules land in V8/Chromium 91: “`import json from './foo.json' assert { type: 'json' };“` In Chromium 93 the same thing for CSS …

JavaScript Temporal API — A Fix for the Date API

Anyone who has worked with dates and time in JavaScript knows how broken the built-in Date is. In the near future we’ll be able to use Temporal instead, an ECMAScript feature currently at Stage-3 Nathan Sebhastian has a good overview on how it compares to Date, along with some practical examples. The new Temporal API …

What’s new in ES2021

With the January meeting of TC39 behind us, the Stage-4 features that will make it into ES2021 have been selected. The following features will be part of ES2021, which will be formalised mid-2021: String.prototype.replaceAll Promise.any WeakRefs + FinalizationRegistry Logical Assignment Operators Numeric Separators Apart from the linked-to posts above, Pawel Grzybek has done a writeup …

ESNext: Declarations in Conditionals (Stage-1)

An ECMAScript Language Feature that I’m looking forward to is Declarations in Conditionals. It adds the capability to declare variables inside conditional statements. Let’s take a look … ~ Setting the Scene Say you want to iterate over an array which might be tucked away inside an object. To do so, you’d most likely first …

ESNext: Proposals to look forward to (ESNEXT Conf)

Happening right now is ESNEXT Conf a fully remote conference exploring the future of JavaScript and the web. When I saw the CFP float by, it sounded like a perfect match for my talk “ESNext: Proposals to look forward to”. Thankfully the organisers – Fred and Drew from Pika – also felt that ways and …

ESNext: Proposals to look forward to (JS VidCon / JavaScript Remote Conf)

The past few days I’ve been attending some virtual conferences. At JS VidCon and JavaScript Remote Conf I also joined as a speaker, to bring forward my ever-evolving talk “ESNext: Proposals to look forward to” With the yearly ECMAScript releases (ES2015..ES2020) of a lot of things have changed in JavaScript-land, and there’s even more to …

ESNext: Logical Assignment Operators (||=, ??=, &&=)

Update 2020.07.21: This proposal made it into Stage-4 and will officially be part of ES2021 🥳 A new ECMAScript Proposal that I’m looking forward to is Logical Assignment Operators. In short it combines Logical Operators (||, &&, and ??) with Assignment Expressions (=). // "Or Or Equals" (or, the Mallet operator) a ||= b; // …