CSS Variables: var(--subtitle);

As per usual, great talk by Lea Verou: The key takeaway about CSS Custom Properties to me is the very first one Lea mentioned: they’re just properties like the other CSS properties we already know. This means that the normal behavior of inheritance is in place, you can manipulate them from within media queries, and …

JavaScript Fatigue Fatigue

Axel Rauschmayer’s tips to fighting JavaScript Fatigue: Don’t try to know everything Wait for the critical mass. Stick to things you understand: don’t use more than 1–2 new technologies per project. Do exploratory toy projects Diversify in life When in doubt, you can always fall back to the solid base you already know: HTML, CSS, …

You Can’t Get Comfortable in Web Development

Rey Bango, after having read the aforementioned “How it feels to learn JavaScript in 2016”: A lot of the discomfort we’re feeling is the belief that we need to know how to use every new framework or tool that comes out. It’s really not the case. There will always be someone building a new tool …

Fukol™ Grids

Building a CSS Grid System isn’t that hard really, thanks to flexbox. Heydon has stripped it to its smallest form: .fukol-grid { display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; margin: -0.5em; } .fukol-grid > * { flex: 1 0 10em; margin: 0.5em; } Fukol™ is a lightweight, breakpoint free, completely responsive, element query driven*, progressive enhancement based CSS …

How it feels to learn Javascript in 2016

In the same style as the aforementioned “It’s the future!” — A fictional conversation on web development: … JSX? What is JSX? -JSX is just a JavaScript syntax extension that looks pretty much like XML. It’s kind of another way to describe the DOM, think of it as a better HTML. What’s wrong with HTML? …

“It’s the future!” — A fictional conversation on web development

A fictional conversation on web development: I’m building a simple web app at the moment — a normal TODO app using HTML, CSS and JavaScript, and I’m planning to use jQuery. Is that the way to go? : Oh, no. That’s old school. jQuery is dead — no one uses it anymore. You need to use React now. That’s …

15 Ways to Write Self-documenting JavaScript

A few handy pointers to keeping your code readable: Some programmers include comments as part of self-documenting code. In this article, we’ll only focus on code. Comments are important, but they’re a large topic to be covered separately. We can split the techniques for self-documenting code into three broad categories: structural, where the structure of …