N26 and the lack of JavaScript

Hugo Giraudel, engineer at N26: In the last few years, we have seen more and more ways to build highly interactive web applications relying almost exclusively on JavaScript. To the point where we almost wonder whether we forgot from where we come from. Not so long ago was a time was JavaScript was just sprinkled …

react-three-fiber – React renderer for three.js

This is a React renderer for Threejs on the web and react-native. Building a dynamic scene graph becomes so much easier when you can break it up into declarative, re-usable components that react to state changes. This is less of an abstraction and more of a pure reconciler (like react-dom in relation to HTML). It …

Debunking the Myth: Accessibility and React

Mark Steadman from Deque: React can be an accessible application framework with the right knowledge and the right know-how. The stigma that it is not an accessible framework is simply not true. It has some of the best built-in accessibility functionality there is out there, and a large community of accessibility advocates that are creating …

Building mobile-first web animations in React

Talk by Alex Holachek, as brought forward at React Conf 2019: As the technology to create Progressive Web Apps continues to mature, React developers have the opportunity to write web apps that in some cases can rival native ones in terms of speed and convenience. However, one barrier to feature parity is the difficulty of …

Enterprise React in 2020

Viacheslav Luschinskiy goes over the utils and libraries they use for building React apps. It is the opinionated set of libraries and technical approaches to quickly build scalable enterprise class applications in React. It also comes with the small demo app which can be used as a bootstrap kit. It includes all the mentioned libraries …

The unseen performance costs of modern CSS-in-JS libraries in React apps

Aggelos Arvanitakis, writing for the Web Performance Calendar 2019 edition: Besides some of the great advantages CSS-in-JS boasts over traditional CSS, it may still create performance issues in certain apps. In this article, I will attempt to demystify the high-level strategies of the most popular CSS-in-JS libraries, discuss the performance issues they may introduce on …

Testing React Hooks With Enzyme and React Testing Library

Solid intro to test your React apps with either Enzyme or React Testing Library: In this tutorial, we will look at how to do that by making use of a to-do application built with hooks. We’ll cover writing of tests using Ezyme and React Testing Library, both of which are able to do just that. …

Write your own React with Concurrent Mode from Scratch

At React Advanced 2019 Conference, Shawn Wang planned on giving a talk on writing your own React with Hooks from scratch. As he already did that (ace!) talk at JSConf.Asia (video here), he decided to swing things around and write his own React clone with support for Concurrent Mode:

Reactime – A time-travel state debugger for React apps

Reactime is a debugging tool for React developers. It records state whenever it is changed and allows the user to jump to any previously recorded state. This dev tool is for React apps using stateful components and prop drilling, and has beta support for Context API, conditional state routing, Hooks (useState, useEffect) and functional components. …