Google Maps JavaScript API Cookbook

Last November I was lead technical reviewer for a book titled Google Maps JavaScript API Cookbook. On December 26th – my birthday, of all days – the book was released on Packt Publishing. It’s a very practical book with lots of code (hence it being a cookbook) touching basic map interactions, custom layers, drawing stuff …

CSS Animated Content Switching

A trend I’m seeing for the coming year is the rise of Transitional Interfaces on the web. A fine example is the aforementioned Fluidbox, or this interface (extract from the post linked): Sparked by the post linked — which you should read — I started goofing around with CSS transforms and transitions a bit. The …


I adore the smooth transition offered by Medium’s lightbox module — no disruptive modal window, and opening/closing of the lightbox is intuitive and straightforward. So I tasked myself with a little challenge — replicate it, and improve on it, if possible. CSS transitions and transforms FTW Fluidbox Demo → Fluidbox Source (GitHub) → Fluidbox Explanation →

Skrollr – CSS animations linked to scroll position

Having seen a few single-page year in review minisites the past few weeks, it’s clear that Skrollr has become the de facto standard to implement parallax scrolling effects into your websites. The idea behind Skrollr is straightforward: link a target CSS property+value to a given scroll position, via data-* attributes: <div id="example" data-0="width:100%;" data-1500="width:0%;"></div> Skrollr …

From jQuery to JavaScript: A Reference

Whether we like it or not, more and more developers are being introduced to the world of JavaScript through jQuery first. In many ways, these newcomers are the lucky ones. They have access to a plethora of new JavaScript APIs, which make the process of DOM traversal (something that many folks depend on jQuery for) …


A jQuery/Zepto plugin I’ve been using a lot lately to debounce (= attach with delay) event handlers. To be applied on scroll events for example, as you don’t want one long single scroll to pull down the performance of your webpage by constantly triggering the attached handling function. $(window).on(‘scroll’, function(e) { // update stuff *after* …

Automating Front-end Workflow

Writing a modern web app these days can sometimes feel like a tedious process; frameworks, boilerplates, abstractions, dependency management, build processes..the list of requirements for a front-end workflow appears to grow each year. What if however, you could automate a lot of this? Extensive set of slides by Addy Osmani. Solid gold for those wanting …