Panda.js HTML5 game engine

Panda.js looks like a neat JS Game Engine featuring a Canvas/WebGL Renderer, Physics engine, Particle engine, Tweening, Sound Manager, etc. It also plays nice with mobile/touch interfaces. Example game is this neat Flappybird clone, Flying Dog. Panda.js HTML5 game engine → Flying Dog Source (GitHub) → Related: Be sure to check out Vladibird, an altered …

Supercharging your Gruntfile

In this article, we won’t focus on what numerous Grunt plugins do to your actual project code, but on the Grunt build process itself. We will give you practical ideas on: How to keep your Gruntfile neat and tidy, How to dramatically improve your build time, And how to be notified when a build happens. …

Facebook’s Paper photo tilt feature in HTML5

Possible thanks to the Device Orientation Events. Facebook’s Paper photo tilt feature in HTML5 →photoTilt Demo →photoTilt Source (GitHub) → Did you know that this doesn’t work on a Retina MacBook Pro, but does on the previous MacBook Pro model? It’s the Sudden Motion Sensor which affords orientation detection, yet one cannot find that sensor …

You might not need jQuery

If you’re developing a library on the other hand, please take a moment to consider if you actually need jQuery as a dependency. Maybe you can include a few lines of utility code, and forgo the requirement. If you’re only targeting more modern browsers, you might not need anything more than what the browser ships …

Grunt vs Gulp – Beyond the Numbers

Speed comparison between Grunt and the aforementioned Gulp All Gulp plugins are just duplex streams that read in data and output data. Everything can be processed in memory, with the output of one stream piped as input to another. Much like Unix pipes. This gives Gulp a huge speed advantage over Grunt, because I/O is …

Planetary.js – Awesome interactive globes for the web

Planetary.js is a JavaScript library for building awesome interactive globes. It is based on D3.js and TopoJSON and has built-in support for zoom, rotation, mouse interaction, and displaying animated “pings” at any coordinate. Via plugins, Planetary.js can be extended to do whatever you want! Planetary.js → Planetary.js Seismic Activity Demo →

Gulp – The streaming build system

gulp.task(‘sass’, function() { return gulp.src(‘src/styles/main.scss’) .pipe(sass({ style: ‘compressed’ })) .pipe(autoprefixer(‘last 2 version’, ‘safari 5’, ‘ie 8’, ‘ie 9’, ‘opera 12.1’, ‘ios 6’, ‘android 4’)) .pipe(gulp.dest(‘dist/assets/css’)) }); Gulp is a build system and performs tasks such as the ones we do using Grunt: minify, concat, prefix, uglify, etc. Main difference: Gulp allows you to input your …

koa – next generation web framework for node.js

Koa is a new web framework designed by the team behind Express, which aims to be a smaller, more expressive, and more robust foundation for web applications and APIs. Through leveraging generators Koa allows you to ditch callbacks and greatly increase error-handling. Koa does not bundle any middleware within core, and provides an elegant suite …

JavaScript Bouncing Ball

One of the assignments of one of the courses I teach requires my students to let a cube fall in a Three.js environment. To teach them about how something falls I used Choc to visualize and explain the process of falling per tick of the animation. The final code is available on CodePen. JavaScript Bouncing …