Chameleonic Header

UPDATE 2021.01.14: Besides using clip-path, a more easy approach is to use mix-blend-mode: difference; if all you’re doing is inverting colors. Ever had a fixed header that had to work with both light and dark content shown underneath it? Keep an eye at the header in the video below to see what I’m talking about: …

CSS-Only Direction Aware Hover

In the past I’ve seen some demos like this one that use JavaScript/math to calculate the hover direction upon mouseenter. Detecting the direction is also possible sans JavaScript, by adding triangular hitareas to a box/link in combination with the CSS General Sibling Selector (viz. ~) to rotate the content. Internally it looks like this: Note …

CSS Transparent and Outlined Text

For a recent project we did at work I needed outlined text. Using text-shadow you can achieve the desired effect, but one must admit: it’s ugly. Some browsers however (Webkit) support the text-stroke property which gets a much nicer result. Here’s a demo pen: See the Pen CSS Transparent and Outlined Text by Bramus! (@bramus) …

Emoji Silhouettes and Emoji Outlines with CSS

From StackOverflow: It’s possible to include Emoji characters in modern browsers, but how can one make it a single color and choose that color? Using an (inset) text-shadow in combination with transparent text color this indeed is possible: With some more CSS – and an extra attribute – it’s possible to even achieve a (faux) …

Space.js – HTML-driven narrative 3D-scrolling

For our messages to communicate across efficiently, we need to create a powerful connection between the user and our medium. Today we are going to explore a new way of presenting stories on the web. And for this I’ve created an open-source and free to use JavaScript library i call space.js. It’s basically parallax technologies …