Atropos — Stunning touch-friendly 3D parallax hover effects

Atropos is a lightweight, free and open-source JavaScript library to create stunning touch-friendly 3D parallax hover effects. Available for JavaScript, React and Vue.js I like that this script is also comes in a VanillaJS version, which shares its core with the React and Vue implementations. Atropos → Related: You could build this with pure CSS …

Getting the Mouse Position using CSS

For his post How to Map Mouse Position in CSS on CSS-Tricks, Amit Sheen created this lovely demo: The demo does use CSS Custom Properties for the X/Y position of the mouse, but they’re not injected using JavaScript. Instead, Amit uses the same technique as used in CSS-Only Direction Aware Hover: capture the hover on …

4 Ways to Animate the Color of a Text Link on Hover

Good writeup by Katherine Kato of several techniques on how to change the color of a link on hover, animated Let’s create a pure CSS effect that changes the color of a text link on hover… but slide that new color in instead of simply swapping colors. There are four different techniques we can use …

Fading out siblings on hover in CSS

Nice one by Trys Mudford: Hover states traditionally run on the element being hovered on (makes sense, right?). But we can also listen for the hover event on the parent element. That’s the crux of this ‘trick’, we fade out all children when the parent is hovered, and attach another hover handler the child, fading …

CSS-Only Direction Aware Hover

In the past I’ve seen some demos like this one that use JavaScript/math to calculate the hover direction upon mouseenter. Detecting the direction is also possible sans JavaScript, by adding triangular hitareas to a box/link in combination with the CSS General Sibling Selector (viz. ~) to rotate the content. Internally it looks like this: Note …