In this post I’ll cover how to add Dark Mode to a JavaScript App. All major frameworks (React, Angular, Vue, etc.) are covered!
Tag Archives: angular
Gone Hybrid
A website that I’ve found to be very helpful whilst diving into creating Hybrid Apps (be it with or without Ionic) is Gone Hybrid, containing quite a few helpful articles to get you kickstarted on a few specific things such as adding audio effects, animations, etc. Gone Hybrid | Start Developing Hybrid Mobile Apps With …
ng-inspector – The AngularJS inspector pane for your browser
Videogular – The HTML5 video player for AngularJS
Note: the demo embedded below might not work due to the source files only being available over HTTP, and this site being loaded over HTTPS. In that case you can check out the pen here Videogular is a video application framework for desktop and mobile powered by AngularJS Really nice player. Works way smoother than …
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ion-drawer-vertical – A vertical slide out panel (toggle panel) for Ionic
For a current Ionic project I’m working on I needed a vertical slide out panel (toggle panel) to store in some content that may be hidden by the user. As I couldn’t immediately find such a component in Ionic itself I decided to create one myself: ion-drawer-vertical (source available on GitHub). The result is a …
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Cordova build hook script for displaying build version in your app
#!/usr/bin/env node // This plugin replaces text in a file with the app version from config.xml. var wwwFileToReplace = "js/build.js"; var fs = require('fs'); var path = require('path'); var rootdir = process.argv[2]; function loadConfigXMLDoc(filePath) { var fs = require('fs'); var xml2js = require('xml2js'); var json = ""; try { var fileData = fs.readFileSync(filePath, 'ascii'); var …
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In love with Ionic Framework
UPDATE: Want to get a solid introduction to Ionic? I recommend reading Learning Ionic, a book I tech reviewed. Ionic offers a library of mobile-optimized HTML, CSS and JS components for building highly interactive apps. Built with Sass and optimized for AngularJS. Whilst Sass is just an extra (you don’t really need it), the true …
ngCordova – Cordova with the power of AngularJS
module.controller(‘PictureCtrl’, function($scope, $cordovaCamera) { $scope.takePicture = function() { $cordovaCamera.getPicture({ // See all the possible Camera options from the Camera docs [1]: /// }).then(function(imageData) { // Success! Image data is here }, function(err) { // An error occured. Show a message to the user }); } }); ngCordova is a set of AngularJS extensions on …
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