ngCordova – Cordova with the power of AngularJS

module.controller(‘PictureCtrl’, function($scope, $cordovaCamera) { $scope.takePicture = function() { $cordovaCamera.getPicture({ // See all the possible Camera options from the Camera docs [1]: /// }).then(function(imageData) { // Success! Image data is here }, function(err) { // An error occured. Show a message to the user }); } }); ngCordova is a set of AngularJS extensions on …

Walkable — Sample PhoneGap app

I’d like to take a moment and introduce “Walkable Restaurants” (or just “Walkable” as I like to call it), a new application that I built to demonstrate how to create PhoneGap applications using Backbone.js. Built using PhoneGap, Twitter Bootstrap (UI), Leaflet (Maps), Backbone.js, App-UI, Underscore.js, jQuery, and iScroll. Walkable Source (GitHub) →

Cordova client tool

The command line tool to build, deploy and manage Cordova-based applications. Once installed — via npm — you get to do stuff like this: cordova create ~/KewlApp cd ~/KewlApp cordova platform add ios cordova platform add android cordova plugin add cordova build Great to see how the Cordova Platform (formerly known as PhoneGap — …

Sample Application using jQuery Mobile and PhoneGap

Here is a simple application I built using jQuery Mobile and PhoneGap. Even though the application is simple, it covers some common requirements of mobile applications: database access through JSON services, multi-level master-detail views, parameter passing between views, etc. Sample Application using jQuery Mobile and PhoneGap →