What’s New In CSS?

At the excellent Web Directions Hover ’21, Adam Argyle opened with a rad presentation covering all what’s new and upcoming for CSS. From risky and may never be in your browser, to stable and just released yesterday; follow Adam as he strolls through proposals, specs and supporting tools for all the this new CSS hotness. …

Your relationship with Apple: It’s complicated

This tweet by Niels Leenheer on his relationship with Apple hit more than close to home: My complex relationship with Apple: 1️⃣ As a customer I love their products. 2️⃣ As a developer I love their platform and hate their policies. 3️⃣ As a consumer I think they are greedy and hurting competition. 4️⃣ As …

Rethinking JavaScript Infrastructure

Christoph Nakazawa, former Engineering Management at Facebook and now Front End Engineer at Stripe, is writing a series about JavaScript infrastructure. In this second part of this still in progress series he digs into eliminating the ongoing need for installing dependencies from the development iteration cycle. I provide recommendations that I personally implemented and have …

Konva.js — HTML5 Canvas JavaScript framework

For all your working-with-layers-on-<canvas> needs: Konva is an HTML5 Canvas JavaScript framework that enables high performance animations, transitions, node nesting, layering, filtering, caching, event handling for desktop and mobile applications, and much more. You can draw things onto the stage, add event listeners to them, move them, scale them, and rotate them independently from other …

Learn CSS! — A free course that guides you through CSS fundamentals

During Google I/O, Learn CSS! — An evergreen CSS course and reference to level up your web styling expertise — was launched. Broken down in 23 chapters, you’ll learn the fundamentals of CSS. You’ll learn CSS fundamentals like the box model, cascade and specificity, flexbox, grid and z-index. And, along with these fundamentals, you’ll learn …

Solving a Mystery Behavior of parseInt() in JavaScript

Dmitri Pavlutin digs into why parseInt(0.0000005); evaluates to 5: parseInt(0.5); // => 0 parseInt(0.05); // => 0 parseInt(0.005); // => 0 parseInt(0.0005); // => 0 parseInt(0.00005); // => 0 parseInt(0.000005); // => 0 parseInt(0.0000005); // => 5 🤯 Solving a Mystery Behavior of parseInt() in JavaScript → On a related note, Yannick Clybouw recently hit …

Remix v1 Beta Launch Video

Michael Jackson and Ryan Florence recently launched the v1 beta of the aforementioned Remix. Through lots of live code, Ryan and Michael will tell you all about where Remix started, where it’s at now, and what this v1 Beta launch means for one of the most exciting web frameworks today. If you’re into React, be …

DiggyDB – Amazon Route53 as a blazingly fast and reliable database

Building further upon a “wild story” by Corey Quinn, Nicholas Martin describes how to (ab)use DNS TXT records by storing data in them, as if it were a database: When you think about it, DNS configuration is actually a very rudimentary NoSQL database. You can view and modify it at any time quite easily through …