:nth-child(An+B [of S]?)
is not available in all browsers, but thanks to :has
we can polyfill it (to a certain extent)
Author Archives: Bramus!
Detect “islands of elements” with the same class, thanks to CSS :has()
CSS Architecture (2022.12.01 @ Web Directions Summit)
FIX: The provider “cPanel (powered by Sectigo)” cannot currently accept incoming requests. The system will try again later.
Style a parent element based on its number of children using CSS :has()
Scroll-Linked Animations with ScrollTimeline and ViewTimeline
🚨 UPDATE: The Scroll-Linked Animations Specification and its proposed syntax have undergone a major rewrite. The contents of this video are mostly correct, yet some minor things have changed. Please refer to https://developer.chrome.com/articles/scroll-driven-animations/ for an article and examples that use the latest version of the syntax. In the latest episode of HTTP 203 I share …
Continue reading “Scroll-Linked Animations with ScrollTimeline and ViewTimeline”
CSS Type Grinding: Casting Tokens (sm|md|etc
) into Useful Values (aka Style Queries without Style Queries thanks to @property)
My favorite use case for Style Queries is the ability to change a bunch of styles based on the value of a so called “higher-order variable”. You use that variable as a switch to change a bunch of properties. @container style(–theme: dark) { .card { background: royalblue; border-color: navy; color: white; } .card button { …
Container Queries: Style Queries
Automatically ignore files and folders in Dropbox with dropboxignore
If you’re using Dropbox and would like to store Git repos in your Dropbox folder, this tool is useful: This CLI shell script aims to take advantage of glob patterns and existing .gitignore files in order to exclude specific folders and files from dropbox sync. Never sync node_modules or vendor to Dropbox again! dropboxignore →