Trancefusion site online

URL: Status: online, 100% finished Site by: COB (Crummy Old Bastards // Coy, Omeyer & Bramus!) By Coy: Site Design, Flashwork By Bramus!: Design Implementation, PHP Coding, Database Design & Implementation, Additional Flashwork Stuff Used: Photoshop (Site Design), Flash (Flash Animations), MySQL (Database), PHP, PHPLiB (Template class used), CSS, Javascript. See you October 16 …

A grand don’t come for free

“Original Pirate Material” by “The Streets” is one of my all time favourite albums (you might know them from the single “Weak become heroes”) … yesterday I found out (a bit late, but hey, I’m always late) that its sequel called “A grand don’t come for free” will be in stores due May 10th. This …