Roundme 360° Virtual Tours

Roundme is a simple and beautiful online app that allows you to create, share and explore Spaces. A Space is a set of panoramic images connected through Portals and filled with multimedia content in Hotspots. An excursion around a property, an interactive exhibit at a museum or just a jump down the nature trail. Embedded …

Rendering Markdown using Custom Elements v1

Inspired upon a v0 implementation, I’ve recreated a Markdown renderer in Custom Elements v1. The result is <custom-markdown>. The code itself is pretty straightforward: other than some (contained) styling the custom element uses showdown to convert the Markdown to HTML. This conversion is triggered in the connectedCallback(). class Markdown extends HTMLElement { constructor() { super(); …

CSS Architecture for Design Systems

Excellent post by Brad Frost in which he explains how they’ve combined class prefixes with BEM. In addition to a global namespace, we added prefixes to each class to make it more apparent what job that class is doing. Here’s what class prefixes we landed on: c- for UI components, such as .cn-c-card or .cn-c-header …

favicon.ico and redirect links as a privacy leak

Without your consent most major web platforms leak whether you are logged in. This allows any website to detect on which platforms you’re signed up. Since there are lots of platforms with specific demographics an attacker could reason about your personality, too. The attack works by loading in a website’s redirect script, with its favicon …

How to Use Animation to Improve UX

Animation may be used in a wide range of scales and contexts to unite beauty and function: it can influence behavior, communicate status, guide the users attention and help the user see the results of their actions. Here are just a few examples to illustrate places where you can add some animations in your UI …

9 Underutilized Features in CSS

List assembled by Jordan Little: The CSS calc() function The pointer media query The currentColor variable The :valid, :invalid, and :empty pseudoclasses Counters using only CSS Predictable tables with fixed layout Easy form states using adjacent sibling selectors Algebraic nth-child() selection Animating elements with animation-fill-mode As a tenth feature I’d like to add the use …


This JavaScript library produces complementary gradients generated from the top 2 dominant colours in supplied images. Apply the Grade function to elements wrapping the source images: <script src="path/to/grade.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> window.addEventListener('load', function(){ Grade(document.querySelectorAll('.gradient-wrap')) }) </script> … <div class="gradient-wrap"> <img src="./samples/finding-dory.jpg" alt="" /> </div> Installation possible with npm: npm install grade-js Grade.js →Grade Source (GitHub) →

Monitoring changes in a web application

Eric Bidelman has bundled lots of code snippets around change events that can get triggered in the browser: Changes range from simple things like DOM mutations and catching client-side errors to more complex notifications like knowing when the user’s battery is about to run out. The thing that remains constant are the ways to deal …