A nice overview along with some practical tips for targetting iPhone5/iOS6 iPhone 5 and iOS 6 for HTML5 developers, a big step forward: web inspector, new APIs and more →
Tag Archives: web
Beercamp 2012
Retinafy your web sites & apps
Now that phones, tablets and laptops use high-resolution, “can’t tell it’s pixels” displays it’s time to take the plunge and make your sites and apps ready for retina. With my ebook you’ll be up to speed in no time, with easy to follow step-by-step instructions on creating stunningly beautiful high-resolution websites, that load fast and …
Automatic Website Publishing with git-ftp.py on Mac OS X
On a recent project I collaborated on, deployment happened via git-ftp.py, a Python script which automatically publishes your git repository to an FTP server. The script itself works with with an git-rev.txt file on the FTP server which keeps track of the last published commit. When deploying via git-ftp.py, the script only uploads the changes …
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Automatic website publishing with Git, GitHub-Style
One of the things I like about GitHub is the fact that it sports a gh-pages branch. Anything you push to it, is automatically published on your GitHub subdomain http://username.github.com/projectname/. Inspired by this GitHub publishing flow, I’ve set up a likewise method on our web servers at work: a branch which gets published automatically onto …
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What makes someone leave a website?
Screens with a 1024×768 resolution are a bit like Windows XP: there have long been better options, but they still remained the most often used screens on the web. That is, until now. Quite convinced it’ll keep on sticking around though, due to the iPad. Move Over 1024×768: The Most Popular Screen Resolution On The …
Adobe Shadow Labs Release 2
Adobe Shadow
Adobe® Shadow is a new inspection and preview tool that allows front-end web developers and designers to work faster and more efficiently by streamlining the preview process, making it easier to customize websites for mobile devices. Pair your devices via the browser plugin and see all devices change sites whenever you change it on your …