USE-IT Twitter Split-flap Display

Proof of concept of the USE-IT Twitter Split-flap Display, a project issued by USE-IT and built by a few of my students Professional Bachelor ICT The whole installation is connected via a Netduino board to Twitter and monitors a certain (configurable) hashtag. Tweets found are then displayed on the split-flap display. Heart of the installation …

Improving performance on

To improve the experience for everyone, we’ve been working to take back control of our front-end performance by moving the rendering to the server. On top of that, we asynchronously bootstrap a new modular JavaScript application to provide the fully-featured interactive experience our users expect. Improving performance on →

On the Tab Labels in the New Twitter App for iPhone

Nobody wants to connect or discover. People want to talk, send email, chat, share, post to Facebook, tweet, and so on. They want to find old friends; they want to find new friends; they want to see if their brother went skiing on the weekend so they can remember to ask about it on Christmas. …

NewNewTwitter Promo Video: Fly Twitter

A few notes on the new design after a quick look and some read tweets: The textarea to compose a new tweet has gone from “What are you doing?” to “What’s happening?” to “Compose a new tweet” … #hmmz. NewNewTwitter still has these dreadful hashbang urls. DMs apparently are not prominent anymore. One reason for …

I’m Glad We Didn’t Have Facebook or Twitter on 9/11

When it was all said and done, when we were all done sharing our bilious aggression and dime-store punditry with our friends and followers, then would have come the saddest part: the online memorials. Unsure of what to do with the anger and melancholy that had welled up inside of us, many of us would …