Give every Twitter user a brush and they will paint you the world — if they geotag their Tweets. Plot all geotagged tweets on a white canvas and you get back a view of the world according to Twitter’s users. Note how on the map above maritime traffic also is shown. The geography of Tweets …
Tag Archives: twitter
Tweetmap – Visualising live, global tweets
Twitter Photo Filters
Twitter Cards
Twitter cards make it possible for you to attach media experiences to Tweets that link to your content. Simply add a few lines of HTML to your webpages, and users who Tweet links to your content will have a “card” added to the Tweet that’s visible to all of their followers. Example Code: <meta name="twitter:card" …
Twapp — Cross-post from to Twitter
Burnside, a Tweet-to-Email Gateway
From the guys over at Panic, who handle all support tweets via e-mail using a self-built solution named Burnside which bridges the gap between Twitter and e-mail: Tweets go into a regular mailbox. When we reply, they go back out as tweets. Since multiple people can work out of the same IMAP box, it’s fast …
Twitter’s No-Fly Zone
The changes Twitter is planning on pushing forward throughout its API and API usage are turning spiralling into one big fiasco as developers basically are given the finger. Nearly eighteen months ago, we gave developers guidance that they should not build client apps that mimic or reproduce the mainstream Twitter consumer client experience. As Gruber …