Silex Code Fiddles/Examples

For the course Webscripting2 I’m lecturing at Sint-Lieven, we’re working with Silex. Next to the slidedeck explaining Silex, all examples are freely available on GitHub (links at the bottom of this post) The collection of examples start with the very basics of Silex and introduce more routing options and services as they continue. Basic:The …

USE-IT Twitter Split-flap Display

Proof of concept of the USE-IT Twitter Split-flap Display, a project issued by USE-IT and built by a few of my students Professional Bachelor ICT The whole installation is connected via a Netduino board to Twitter and monitors a certain (configurable) hashtag. Tweets found are then displayed on the split-flap display. Heart of the installation …

Radio Silence

You might have noticed the absence of posts here on the past week. Culprit were the new lesson materials I have developed for the course Rich Internet Applications (next year to be renamed to Web & Mobile Development) The developed materials consist of a set of interactive in-browser slide decks, powered by (a customized) …