Mercator Puzzle Redux

The aforementioned Mercator Puzzle is quite nice, but it’s static: you always get presented the same 15 countries at the same 15 starting positions. To counter that, I decided to make the thing dynamic: you get to place 15 countries chosen from a set of 178 in total. If you don’t know the anwser, just …

Google Maps v3 Drag Polygon

It’s really not that hard. No need for one of the many diy scripts; just set the draggable property on your instance of google.maps.Polygon and you’re good to go. Note: draggable was introduced in Google Maps v3.11 (dd 22 January 2013). The current stable version of Google Maps still is 3.10 however. For now (until …

Trap Streets

From the cartographer’s book of tricks: deliberately introduce small errors — such as kinks in rivers, or the addition of small buildings, or exaggerated curves in roads, or the systematic alteration of minor digits in geographic coordinates, or even the introduction of entire fake villages — in your maps to know if a competitor has …

Explore the ocean with Google Maps

Starting today, you can use Google Maps to find a sea turtle swimming among a school of fish, follow a manta ray and experience the reef at sunset—just as I did on my first dive in the Great Barrier Reef last year. Longing back to that time I went diving the Great Barrier Reef Google …