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Tag Archives: lol
Antarctica, the Confusing Continent
Strategies for Derailing a React Conversation
Fun list tweeted just now by Redux creator Dan Abramov: Strategies for derailing a React conversation: HOC vs render props Is binding functions expensive CSS in JS PATENTS Redux Web Components class vs className <If> Size of node_modules Context I wonder which ones, if any, will matter in three years. Always keep questioning the status …
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Saturday Night Live: Sean Spicer Press Conference
Drunk Han Solo
The only .css file you’ll ever need, following the most recent CSS methodologies where you define just about everything in separate classes. Usage is really easy: Take any CSS rule you want to apply, replace : by -, and dots by -dot-, and you get the name of the corresponding universal css classname. For instance, …
Lumberjack vs. Web Developer
OreillyCover Twitter Bot
In succession to those hilarious The Practical Developer Book Covers, the Twitter bot @OreillyCover has been created by @GNUmanth. It allows you to roll your own book covers by just tweeting at it. Feed the bot tweets using the following format: @OreillyCover /orly {title};{topText};{author} Tweeting @OreillyCover /orly Hanging out on Slack;Being unproductive without feeling guilty …
The Practical Developer Book Covers
How To Lose Weight In 4 Easy Steps!
If you are going to watch only one movie today, make sure it’s this one. Great stuff, even if you’re not looking to lose any weight at all: 3.) HAVE YOUR HEART BROKEN And not just broken; shattered. Into itsy bitsy tiny little pieces, by a girl who never loved you and never will. (via …