“JavaScript Developer”

It is impossible to hire real JavaScript developers as 90% of applicants come in and only know jQuery. They have no clue what an event handler is, how to navigate the DOM or create a simple XHR call without the library. — Christian Heilmann And that’s exactly why I do teach my students the bare …

Pngy – Load images based on network connection speed

Pngy is a bit of jQuery that allows you to load images of different file sizes based on a page’s load speed. So, if the load speed is slow, Pngy can load your small image. If it’s fast, it can load a hi-res image. It’s kinda like a ping test in Javascript. Resonates with my …

jQuery Anystretch

Anystretch is a jQuery plugin that allows you to add a dynamically-resized background image to any page or block level element. The image will stretch to fit the page/element, and will automatically resize as the window size changes. Handy when having a fluid layout/responsive design. Anystretch Demo → Anystretch (GitHub) → UPDATE: Reader Oemebamo pointed …

Radio Silence

You might have noticed the absence of posts here on bram.us the past week. Culprit were the new lesson materials I have developed for the course Rich Internet Applications (next year to be renamed to Web & Mobile Development) The developed materials consist of a set of interactive in-browser slide decks, powered by (a customized) …


jQuery.suggest is a simple inline autosuggest jQuery plugin. It takes an array of terms as haystack and suggests the user the first item that matches what has been typed to this point. The suggestion is updated with every keystroke. Tab or Enter will accept the suggestion and update the input field accordingly. jQuery.suggest →

Sample Application using jQuery Mobile and PhoneGap

Here is a simple application I built using jQuery Mobile and PhoneGap. Even though the application is simple, it covers some common requirements of mobile applications: database access through JSON services, multi-level master-detail views, parameter passing between views, etc. Sample Application using jQuery Mobile and PhoneGap →